Vineet Markan, Developer in Singapore, Singapore
Vineet is available for hire
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Vineet Markan

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Data Visualization Developer

Singapore, Singapore
Toptal Member Since
January 7, 2019

Vineet是一个经验丰富的全栈工程领导者,专门从事数据可视化和金融计算. With over a decade of experience, he has taken software products from mockups to production with high-quality code. His work across industries like robotics, 算法交易和企业安全使他能够适应各种商业环境和技术堆栈. Vineet曾在快速成长的初创公司领导工程团队,喜欢用JavaScript和Python编写代码.


Rapyuta Robotics Co., Ltd.
React, JavaScript, CSS, Node.js, Canvas, Redux, HTML5, TypeScript, Jest...
Blu World
Amazon Web Services (AWS), JavaScript, React, Redux, MySQL, Redis, Jira...
Stealth Mode Cybersecurity Company (via Toptal)
Antd, Styled-jsx, TypeScript, Jest, MobX, Canvas, REST APIs, React, G6, D3.js...




Preferred Environment

Webpack, Git, OS X, CODE, Slack, Linux

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Front-end Team Lead

2021 - 2022
Rapyuta Robotics Co., Ltd.
  • 领导一个8人的前端工程团队,为仓库可视化和云部署构建产品.
  • 优化了大型仓库可视化平台的画布渲染,操作人员可以跟踪在仓库中执行工作的机器人, routing graphs, points, and regions of interest, which defined the paths and behavior of robots.
  • 使用Webpack模块联合(Redux)存储共享和Git子模块,在针对不同机器人的ui之间开发高效的代码共享方法.
  • Managed scrum ceremonies such as backlog cleaning, sprint planning, and retrospectives. 通过产品路线图中长期可见性的发布计划改进方法论.
  • Took the role of repository owner for front-end repositories and oversaw reviewing PRs, managing CI using GitHub Actions, and SemVer versioning of Docker images.
  • 编写具有清晰规范(道具)、易于测试的纯类型React组件的成熟实践.
Technologies: React, JavaScript, CSS, Node.js, Canvas, Redux, HTML5, TypeScript, Jest, Webpack 4, Reselect, Data Visualization, React Redux

Engineering Team Lead

2021 - 2022
Blu World
  • 帮助团队在不阻碍关键特性开发和实现业务目标的情况下识别和清理技术债务, including server-side code written using the Koa framework in Node.js and front-end code written using React and DVA.
  • 制定计划,通过识别未充分利用和未使用的资源来减少AWS上的云资源消耗, merging duplicate resources, and separating staging and production environments.
  • Proposed and implemented a proper Scrum workflow, including sprint planning, backlog cleaning, and retrospective meetings with the product manager and engineering team.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), JavaScript, React, Redux, MySQL, Redis, Jira, Jenkins, React Redux, Node.js

Senior Data Visualization Engineer

2020 - 2020
Stealth Mode Cybersecurity Company (via Toptal)
  • 开发大规模数据可视化解决方案,帮助用户轻松浏览复杂关系.
  • 利用D3和G6(图形可视化框架)绘制数百个相互关联的数据点并使它们具有交互性.
  • 使用MobX建立可视化之间的通信(在Canvas上渲染),并添加组成应用程序的React组件.
  • 使用React构建可视化支持组件,允许用户在各种模式之间切换.
  • Used Jest for unit testing individual components and Nightwatch for end-to-end testing.
  • Built UI components on top of Antd and additional styling was applied using Styled.
Technologies: Antd, Styled-jsx, TypeScript, Jest, MobX, Canvas, REST APIs, React, G6, D3.js, Data Visualization


2019 - 2020
Fast Science
  • Analyzed the patent landscape, identified friction points in the reading patent literature, and designed a user journey to help users read the latest patents through short, interactive summaries.
  • Built the patent summarization author platform using React, Redux, Node.js, Firebase, and Python.
  • 使用Python从USPTO网站上抓取大量专利数据,并使用各种关键字指标按重要性对专利进行排名.
  • Designed UI wireframes using Figma, worked with design to prettify them, and implemented them using JSX.
  • 在WordPress上开发了网站的第一个版本,以验证这个想法并获得牵引力.
Technologies: Cloud Firestore, Node.js, Firebase, Postman, Jest, Hapi.js, Redux, React, React Redux

Data Visualization and Security Engineer

2019 - 2019
  • Worked as a full-stack engineer directly with the founders of, an autonomous vehicle startup.
  • Used DeckGL, Mapbox, React在地图上为交通工程师创建交互式层,以可视化公交车的当前位置/速度.
  • 为要在屏幕上呈现的公交路线、站点和其他元素创建交互式元素.
  • Created APIs in Node.js/Express to push real-time geo updates to clients.
  • Implemented authentication/login, authorization/roles, and 2FA for various user roles.
Technologies: TypeScript,, React, Node.js, Data Visualization

Principal Technology Consultant

2018 - 2018
  • 设计了一个应用程序框架(类似于React)来加速模块化开发.
  • Implemented vector graphic annotations for image sequences.
  • 指导具有面向对象编程背景的开发人员使用TypeScript适应Javascript.
  • Reviewed existing code and helped separate services and data sources from views.
  • 设计了一种降低二维空间中多边形交点查找复杂度的算法.
  • Wrote unit and functional tests using Jest and Puppeteer.
  • Created an auto-documentation tool using Python Sphinx.
Technologies: Puppeteer, Jest, Sketch 4, Bootstrap, Webpack, React, SVG.js

Lead JavaScript Developer (Consultant)

2017 - 2018
Knowcross Pte. Ltd.
  • 使用Angular JS将一个有60多个屏幕的酒店公用事业管理软件从MS Silverlight迁移到HTML5/JS.
  • 与产品经理合作,在HTML5中开发修改后的用户登录.
  • 在三周内开发了四个关键模块的前端,以便将现有客户端迁移到新界面.
  • 与后端团队合作,创建可测试且一致的api,供前端使用.
  • Wrote unit tests using Protractor as part of my role.
Technologies: Bootstrap, JavaScript, HTML5, AngularJS

Founder CTO | Product Head

2011 - 2015
  • Developed the prototype and acquired early customers.
  • Raised a seed and then an angel round through reputed VCs in the Indian market.
  • 构建了一个基于websocket的接口,允许多人同步查看媒体(桌面同步).
  • 聘请并与技术团队合作,确保网页和移动设备的体验一致.
  • Developed an API for easy integration into other tools like Gmail and Box.
  • 通过设置与谷歌分析API和Mixpanel的集成,跟踪和优化用户登录和工作流程.
Technologies: Node.js, MySQL, Redis, JavaScript

Fast Science

Fast Science is a web-based application built on React. The purpose of the app is to make cutting-edge research available to the masses. 这是一个发布最新专利和研究论文的互动摘要的平台,可供学生使用, working professionals, and researchers to accelerate learning and achieve breakthroughs.

Framebench — Google Docs for Creative Professionals
Framebench是由我和联合创始人Rohit与一家位于浦那的老牌动画电影制作公司合作开发的, India.

The studio did daily reviews with their creative directors sitting out of the US. Framebench was built to help them create well-defined tasks out of this feedback. Further, 他们可以将新版本与之前的版本进行比较,看看是否所有的反馈都得到了执行.

Eventually, Framebench was expanded to include other media types, namely images, PDFs, and other documents.

Tinsel — Mobile Shopping Got a Makeover
This was an independent project. It was housed at one of the leading e-tailers in India. 这个想法是为了让人们在观看视频的同时表达对他们想要购买的商品的兴趣. It was frozen due to content licensing issues.

Circuit Simplifier
I presented this project at a National Tech festival, bagging the best Computer Science award and some (modest) prize money. 这个想法是从面包板上取一个纠缠的重叠电路,并创建一个可以嵌入芯片的最小重叠正交电路.

Birch — Connecting Video Creators to Businesses
Birch helped organizations like Uber, Ola, and the Govt. 在他们想要拍摄视频的地方寻找顶级视频创作者,并与最优秀的创意人才合作.
I founded the business, built the platform, and worked on business development to get more clients on the platform.

Knowcross — From Silverlight to Angular
我帮助Knowcross将他们的核心产品从Silverlight转移到HTML5/JavaScript. This new version was both more snappy and efficient.

Background Removal App
A machine learning-based background removal app built on top of Keras. It uses PSPNet pre-trained on ADE20K data set to identify specified objects, removes everything else in the scene, and outputs the final image.

Algorithmic Trader at Option Trading Fund

Led strategy and product development at a self-founded algorithmic option trading fund. 该基金专注于为标的股票建立波动率模型,并利用期权错误定价, especially around events like earnings and major announcements.

The fund has beaten S&P for the past two quarters, with Sharpe hovering around or exceeding two.
2007 - 2011

Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electrical and Electronics

Birla Institute of Technology & Science - Pilani, India


Convolutional Neural Networks



Structuring Machine Learning Projects



Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization



Neural Networks and Deep Learning



Economic Times POI Winner

Department of Science & Technology, India


D3.js, React, Node.js, SVG.js, React Redux, Styled-jsx, Pandas, Puppeteer, REST APIs, MobX, Antd, Reselect


Git, Sketch, Figma, Webpack, Sketch 4, Postman, Canvas, Jira, Jenkins, Webpack 4


Express.js, Redux, Hapi.js,, Bootstrap, Next.js, CODE, Jest, AngularJS


HTML5, TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, Python 3, CSS


Firebase, Mapbox, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Linux


Cloud Firestore, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis, JSON/XML Schemas, Google Cloud


Semantic UI, G6, Data Visualization, Trading, Financial Systems, Deep Neural Networks, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Options

Collaboration That Works

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