Taylor Clifton,美国德克萨斯州德克萨斯城的开发商
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Taylor Clifton

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Web Developer

Texas City, TX, United States
Toptal Member Since
July 26, 2022

Taylor is a senior full-stack web developer with over 10 years of experience developing various web applications and websites for multiple clients. 他在这个行业开始了他的开发生涯,并在不同的环境中工作过, 从拥有成熟产品的大型团队到处于开发早期阶段的小型初创公司. Taylor transitioned to working as a freelance web developer about eight years ago and now works with multiple clients and teams on various exciting projects.


Resolved Software
TypeScript, JavaScript, Node.js, React, Docker, Google Cloud, PHP, CSS, Sass...
Coffee Factory Ltd.
Shopify, JavaScript, Shopify API, CSS, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Qwik, GraphQL...
Narrative Nation Inc
Ruby on Rails (RoR), PostgreSQL, Heroku, Elasticsearch, Docker Compose, Agile...




Preferred Environment

TypeScript, React, Node.. js、Ruby on Rails (RoR)、HTML、Java、PHP、Docker、Git、Linux

The most amazing...

...thing I've worked on as a developer is a tool that enabled a pastor to rapidly publish his doctrinal commentaries on the word of God as web pages.

Work Experience


2014 - PRESENT
Resolved Software
  • Developed a Ruby on Rails website for a local sawmill with a custom pricing calculator that estimates the cost of lumber orders, which can be found here: http://customcutlumbermill.com/pricing/estimate_requests/new.
  • 使用React为客户端构建多个小型网站,并使用GraphQL自定义storyblock React库.
  • Created a Cloudflare worker that enables single-page applications (SPAs) on the Cloudflare platform to output different Open Graph meta tags for individual pages, 允许社交媒体网站爬虫生成丰富而独特的预览.
  • Developed a proprietary .docx to HTML transformer in Ruby that generates textually and stylistically responsive HTML pages from Microsoft Word documents.
  • Built various custom React utility hooks for reuse over different projects to speed up development and reduce boilerplate.
  • 开发可重用的React顺风UI组件,加快React spa和网站的开发.
  • Created a TypeScript and React audio player embedded in a Ruby on Rails website to allow users to add and play music from the website while browsing it.
  • 为多个客户端开发不同复杂性和规模的Ruby on Rails应用程序.
Technologies: TypeScript, JavaScript, Node.js, React, Docker, Google Cloud, PHP, CSS, Sass, Jest, Mocha, Tailwind CSS, Elasticsearch, Material UI, Express.js, HTML5, Haml, GitHub, Git, Heroku, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Linux, Cloudflare, Serverless Framework, Shopify Plus, Vue 2, jQuery, GraphQL, Shopify, Polaris Software Integrity Platform, Amazon EC2, APIs, Unit Testing, SCSS, RTL, Web Development, Software Architecture, API Integration, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), OAuth, Webhooks, Front-end, Full-stack, SQL, Back-end, Ruby, Code Auditing, Architecture, Software Design, Agile, Estimations, Slim, Full-stack Development


2023 - 2023
Coffee Factory Ltd.
  • Designed and developed a Shopify application that manages the client's bulk coffee inventory and product subscriptions, 包括自动库存同步/对账, custom subscription fulfillment plans, and report generation.
  • Designed a custom reconciliation algorithm between Shopify's discrete inventory and the client's inventory batches, taking into consideration changes via orders, draft orders, and custom manual adjustments.
  • Developed a custom system for generating dynamic fulfillments for pre-paid Shopify subscriptions from a pre-defined set of specific products based on the client's specific stock selection priority guidelines.
  • 设计和实现应用程序的所有方面, including the deployment strategy, API, and front-end logic.
  • 利用现代web开发框架和实践, such as deploying the application in an autoscaling, 无服务器边缘环境,托管自动伸缩数据库, to enable more efficient scaling and reduce costs.
Technologies: Shopify, JavaScript, Shopify API, CSS, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Qwik, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Vercel, TypeScript, Prisma, Kysely, Tailwind CSS, JSX, Vite, Custom Shopify Apps

Ruby on Rails Developer

2022 - 2023
Narrative Nation Inc
  • 为Ruby on Rails API的现有移动客户端实现了向后兼容的API版本控制.
  • Architected and implemented the V2 API that integrated Storyblok as a third-party CMS solution to manage survey questions, 使客户机能够支持国际化, A/B testing, and reliable management of their survey questions.
  • 实现了40k多个现有评审问题和回答的动态翻译, including new ones, using various 3rd-party translation services, 允许客户查看其他人的评论翻译成他们的语言.
  • Implemented algorithms for supporting the creation and versioning of review questions from the third-party CMS, 这需要多态处理/验证各种类型的问题回答(例如.g., date, rating, free-text, yes/no responses).
  • Managed the back-end operations of the project's API servers using Heroku with Heroku Pipelines and GitHub Workflows and moved the application towards more efficient CI/CD practices.
  • Wrote comprehensive unit tests for a relatively untested codebase for new features/functionality using RSpec, Factorybot, and other testing frameworks.
Technologies: Ruby on Rails (RoR), PostgreSQL, Heroku, Elasticsearch, Docker Compose, Agile, i18n, RSpec, Unit Testing, Postman, REST APIs, Full-stack Development

Senior Full-stack Developer

2022 - 2022
Framework Labs
  • Developed a Shopify application using Next.js and TypeScript, AWS, deployed on the Vercel Serverless platform, implementing both the application's API on the back end and the front-end React application using Shopify's Polaris component system.
  • 根据推荐的最佳实践使用符合shopify的Polaris组件和设计系统.
  • 实现了使用Octokit GitHub REST API从GitHub发布中访问主题资源的功能.
Technologies: React, Node.. js、亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、Shopify、北极星软件完整性平台、Next.js, GitHub API, GitHub, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), AWS IAM, Amazon RDS, PostgreSQL, Prisma, TypeScript, Full-stack, SQL, Back-end, Code Auditing, Architecture, Software Design, Leadership, Agile, Estimations, Full-stack Development, Tailwind CSS

Software Contractor

2020 - 2020
  • Refactored and rewrote the existing Node.js and Express.js API to use more modular and modern Express.js frameworks and TypeScript instead of JavaScript.
  • 向API添加了新的复杂功能,扩展了当前应用程序的功能.
  • Wrote multiple custom TypeScript utilities and decorators with type-safe implementations for permission checking or access control, data serialization, and more.
  • 负责他们的React前端,添加新的UI组件,利用新的API功能.
  • 使用Docker在Google云平台上部署他们的应用程序, Cloud Build, Cloud Compute, Cloud SQL, and other services.
Technologies: Node.js, Google Cloud, Express.js, React, Redux, TypeScript, JavaScript, Docker, Docker Compose, Facebook Ads API, Outbrain, Yahoo Ads, APIs, Unit Testing, Web Development, Software Architecture, API Integration, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Front-end, Full-stack, SQL, Back-end, Code Auditing, Architecture, Software Design, Leadership, Agile, Estimations, Full-stack Development

Software Contractor

2019 - 2020
  • Refactored an existing Shopify checkout extension that incorporated a shipping calendar into the checkout experience of a very popular online flower shop.
  • 扩展了Shopify结帐运输日历扩展,以支持多种运输服务. This included designing a modular system using modern JavaScript practices and syntax to perform complex algorithmic checks for shipping availability.
  • Worked directly with a project manager and clients to meet specific requirements and deadlines during high-traffic seasons and times for their Shopify stores.
  • 为不同的商店编写复杂的Liquid模板,以支持独特和具有挑战性的要求.
  • 开发一个Shopify应用程序,让用户可以安装自定义主题. This involved working on a Ruby on Rails codebase that used the Shopify Ruby API integration and front-end work with vanilla JavaScript and jQuery.
Technologies: ECMAScript (ES6), Mocha, HTML, CSS, Liquid, Shopify Plus, Shopify API, Shopify Theme, Shopify, Shopify Customizations, Ruby on Rails API, APIs, Unit Testing, Web Development, API Integration, Front-end, Full-stack, Back-end, Ruby, Architecture, Software Design, Agile, Estimations, Full-stack Development

Software Engineer

2013 - 2013
  • 为该平台编写了一个支付API,允许用户运行JavaScript片段.e., functions, 在安全的环境中,并以安全且与提供者无关的方式接受或执行付款.
  • Worked alongside the CTO to develop a small AngularJS application for estimating healthcare costs for various government-sponsored healthcare plans.
  • 与一个小团队合作,将一个jQuery移动应用移植到AngularJS.
Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, CoffeeScript, AngularJS, APIs, Unit Testing, Web Development, Software Architecture, API Integration, Front-end, CSS, Full-stack, Back-end, Architecture, Software Design, Leadership, Agile, Code Review, Full-stack Development, Payment Gateways, MongoDB

Software Engineering Intern

2012 - 2012
  • Developed an internal testing tool for the Gmail team using Java Swing for a then-unreleased Google product that implemented innovative model–view–viewmodel (MVVM) principles.
  • 为正在开发的新Gmail产品编写了自定义搜索查询词法分析器和解析器.
  • 这一季我收到了Gmail团队的全职工作邀请.
Technologies: Java, GWT, Front-end, Full-stack, Back-end, Architecture, Software Design, Algorithms, Agile, Code Review, Full-stack Development

Software Engineering Intern

2012 - 2012
  • Developed an internal testing tool for the Gmail team using Java Swing a then-unreleased Google product that implemented MVVM principles before React existed!
  • 为正在开发的新Gmail产品编写了自定义搜索查询词法分析器和解析器.
  • 在这一季,我收到了Gmail团队的全职工作邀请.
Technologies: Java, GWT, Front-end, Full-stack, Back-end, Architecture, Software Design, Algorithms, Agile, Code Review, Full-stack Development

Software Engineering Intern

2011 - 2011
  • Developed a small web component that would allow users of Google Translate's web application to highlight translated text and submit alternative translations.
  • Built a small CSS lexer and parser to take existing CSS style sheets and add inline styles into DOM elements.
  • 创建了一个web组件,至今仍在世界各地的许多网站上使用.
Technologies: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Google Closure, Front-end, Full-stack, Back-end, Architecture, Software Design, Algorithms, Agile, Code Review, Full-stack Development

Software Engineering Intern

2010 - 2010
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • 开发并增强了现有的Python UI来建模和模拟月球车动力学.
  • Created a new UI using C++ to allow the JPL DARTS laboratory to demonstrate their complex lunar rover simulation and modeling framework.
  • 创建了一个简单的Python UI,用于火星勇气号探测器任务, 它实时接收数据流并呈现UI组件以图形方式显示这些数据.
技术:Python, c++,软件设计,敏捷,代码审查,全栈开发

Hymns of the Last Days

A Ruby on Rails, TypeScript, 以及我开发的用于歌曲托管的React应用程序, hymns, and spiritual songs. 这个应用程序在后端有一个自定义的CMS,用于上传和管理歌曲, topics, contributors, and other data.

I have developed a TypeScript and React audio player that allows users to add songs from a website to a playlist to play in the browser. Also, I have integrated and set up an Elasticsearch instance and relevant libraries to support indexing and searching songs by title, lyrics, etc. 最后,我使用Semantic UI开发和创建了网站的主题.

Custom Cut Lumber Mill

为当地一家锯木厂开发的Ruby on Rails应用程序. 我是这个网站唯一的全栈开发人员,也是UI和图形设计师. I have helped the sawmill generate many more potential clients and sales by successfully developing a pricing calculator that customers can use on the website to estimate their costs. Also, 我已经为这个项目开发了一个完全自定义的CMS和电子商务解决方案, 但由于后勤原因,它从未被部署.

Harvest Essentials

A website built using Next.js, React (TypeScript), 以及位于非洲的一家蒸馏和分销精油的公司的顺风CSS. I am in the process of redesigning their existing website to a more modern look and integrating different marketing and sales-related integrations to track conversions. The website is currently a work in progress.
2009 - 2013

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science



JavaScript Front-end Development

An Online Freelance Agency


React, Node.js, jQuery, Liquid, Shopify API, Google Closure, Vue 2, Facebook Ads API, Ruby on Rails API, GitHub API, REST APIs


Git, Mocha, GitHub, Shopify Plus, Docker Compose, NGINX, Webpack, Photoshop CC, AWS IAM, Prisma, RSpec, Postman, JSX


Ruby on Rails (RoR), Tailwind CSS, Express.js, Slim, Jest, Serverless Framework, Next.js, GWT, AngularJS, Material UI, Redux, Qwik


Agile, Compiler Design, Unit Testing


TypeScript, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Sass, HTML5, Haml, ECMAScript (ES6), SCSS, Ruby, Java, PHP, GraphQL, SQL, Lisp, C, Python, C++, CoffeeScript


Shopify, Docker, Linux, Heroku, Polaris Software Integrity Platform, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon EC2, Vercel


PostgreSQL, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Google Cloud, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MongoDB


Algorithms, APIs, Web Development, API Integration, Front-end, Full-stack, Back-end, Architecture, Software Design, Code Review, Full-stack Development, Parsers, Data Structures, Cloudflare, Shopify Theme, Software Architecture, OAuth, Webhooks, Code Auditing, Leadership, Estimations, Graph Theory, Artificial Intelligence (AI), iOS App Design, Android App Design, Outbrain, Yahoo Ads, Responsive UI, Semantic UI, Shopify Customizations, RTL, Amazon RDS, i18n, Instant Messaging, Payment Gateways, Kysely, Vite, Custom Shopify Apps

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