Haris zup<e:1> evic,萨拉热窝开发者,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那联邦,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那
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Haris Zupčević

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Toptal Member Since
June 11, 2021

哈里斯是一位有成就的首席开发人员和软件架构师,他将敏捷思维带入了他的工作中. 拥有超过二十年的经验, 他主要在微软堆栈内的技术以及各种前端技术方面磨练了自己的专业知识. Throughout his career, 哈里斯为执法机构采用的软件解决方案的开发做出了贡献, 国家税务总局, commercial banks, 私营企业遍布各行各业.


TBC Bank - Main
.NET, C#, .NET Core, C#.. NET, SQL, API集成,API设计,消息队列...
C#.. NET, AngularJS, Microsoft SQL Server, React, .NET, C#...
JavaScript, TypeScript, MEAN Stack, MERN Stack, Firebase, MongoDB, React...




Preferred Environment

.. NET, Visual Studio, Azure, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), React

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior .NET Developer

2023 - 2023
TBC Bank - Main
  • 参与移动投资应用的后端开发.
  • 实现了奖励银行客户的后端功能.
  • 开发显示仪器图表的后端.
Technologies: .NET, C#, .NET Core, C#.. NET, SQL, API集成,API设计,消息队列, Docker, Kubernetes, Git, Agile Software Development, Containerization, CI/CD Pipelines, Azure DevOps, Design Patterns, Unit Testing, SonarQube, Architectural Patterns, 测试驱动开发(TDD), Helm

Full-stack Engineer

2021 - 2023
  • 在GeneDX Provider Portal的前端和后端跨职能远程团队工作.genedx.com) and Admin Portal.
  • 开发和集成必要的附加功能,以促进Sema4对公司的收购, subsequent merger, 并从之前的母公司(bireference Labs)分离系统.
  • 将遗留系统组件转移到更现代和可持续的技术上.
  • 处理它们与组织中其他系统的集成.
Technologies: C#.. NET, AngularJS, Microsoft SQL Server, React, .NET, C#, Agile Software Development, Remote Work, APIs, API Development, Code Review, Angular, Cloud, Serverless, AWS Lambda

Technical Lead

2020 - 2021
  • 为移动应用程序设计和实现可重用组件.
  • 跟踪团队成员的表现,并指导他们进行自我提升.
  • 与其他团队合作,确保我们满足客户的期望.
Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, MEAN Stack, MERN Stack, Firebase, MongoDB, React, Agile Software Development, Technical Leadership, Remote Work, Leadership, Software Architecture, Solution Architecture, Node.js, Team Leadership, Remote Team Leadership, 跨职能团队领导, Best Practices, Express.js, Mobile Development, Code Review, Estimations, Mobile App Development, Mobile Apps, Mobile App UI, Stripe, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Maps, Stripe API, Stripe Payments, Responsive Web Design (RWD), SaaS, Angular, Cloud, Storybook, Vanilla JS, MVC Design, ECMAScript (ES6), Polymer, AWS Amplify, Serverless, AWS Lambda, jQuery, SCSS, Design Systems, Atomic Design

Lead Developer

2017 - 2019
MIBO Komunikacije
  • 与硬件专家合作,为执法机构设计物联网解决方案.
  • 实施软件解决方案,以方便金融机构的流程.
  • 不同软硬件平台的集成解决方案.
Technologies: React, C#.NET, .NET, Microsoft SQL Server, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), AngularJS, Angular, Microsoft Stack, C#, Agile Software Development, Technical Leadership, System Architecture Design, Leadership, APIs, Software Architecture, Solution Architecture, API Development, Best Practices, Code Review, Estimations, Blazor, Entity Framework Core, Cloud, Vue, RPC, Serverless, AWS Lambda

Senior .NET Developer

2010 - 2017
MIBO Komunikacije
  • 在scrum团队中合作, 利用极限编程实践, 开发跨不同领域的企业软件.
  • 与多位专家合作开发软硬件混合解决方案.
  • 制定并执行优化数据库和聚合数据的策略,以提高整体性能和效率.
Technologies: .NET, Windows通信基础(WCF), Windows演示基础(WPF), C#, AngularJS, Angular, jQuery, ASP.. NET MVC,敏捷软件开发,c#.NET, APIs, API Integration, Microservices, Architecture, REST APIs, REST, Web Development, Windows Services, IIS, Distributed Systems, Solution Architecture, API Development, PostgreSQL, Vue, RPC, Apache Kafka, Microsoft Access, Telerik Kendo UI

.NET Developer

2002 - 2010
  • 开发了基于ASP的web应用程序.NET, and ASP.NET MVC.
  • 使用JavaScript和jQuery编写客户端脚本.
  • Developed .. NET桌面应用程序使用Windows窗体.
Technologies: ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, jQuery, HTML, SQL, CSS, Windows Forms (WinForms), VB.. NET,活动服务器页面(ASP), Web开发,c#, .NET, Startups, C#.NET WinForms, SignalR

GeneDX Provider Portal

我参与了前端应用程序的开发和维护, GeneDX Provider Portal, 迎合医疗保健专业人员和机构,并使他们能够订购, track, 并且可以轻松定制基因测试.

该系统与各种支付系统无缝集成, insurance providers, 以及事先授权系统, 促进付款的有效处理和协调, insurance claims, and authorization procedures.

GeneDX Provider Portal API

提供者门户API是GeneDX提供者门户的后端组件. It is implemented using .NET and SQL Server database.

该系统与多种支付系统无缝集成, insurance platforms, 以及事先授权系统.

我积极参与实施新的工作流程, performing refactoring tasks, addressing bug fixes, introducing enhancements, 优化存储过程.

Vatrosistemi |消防安全设备检查

Vatrosistemi消防安全设备检查系统是一个信息系统,是Vatrosistemi数字化转型计划的重要组成部分, 系统由多个组件组成:使用Angular构建的web应用程序, a back-end API powered by .. NET Core Web API,以及使用Ionic开发的移动应用程序. 然而,最新版本的移动应用程序已经使用React Native重新开发.

它专门针对由持证消防安全人员对灭火器和消火栓进行的定期检查. 该系统的实现带来了几个关键优势, 包括遵守行业标准和当地法规, 消除纸质流程, 通过手持设备扫描简化设备识别, 以及对用户操作的全面审计.

Additionally, 该系统有助生成所需的PDF及Excel格式的法律文件, ensuring easy compliance.

我担任该系统的首席开发人员和主要架构师, 监督其设计并确保其整体一致性和功能性.

Investor Register


我担任这个项目的解决方案架构师,监督它的设计和实现. 我开发的应用程序是一个多平台解决方案,可以跨不同的操作系统和设备使用.

GeneDX Admin Portal

As a team member, 我参与了GeneDX Admin portal的开发,这是一个用于管理的web应用程序, configure, 并自定义GeneDX提供程序门户(www.genedx Provider Portal)的功能.genedx.com). 我的职责包括实现新功能, 确保与GeneDX提供程序门户和提供程序门户API上的更改同步, 并成功地从遗留的AngularJS应用程序迁移到React.


一个基于WordPress和WooCommerce的在线商店,整合了零售管理软件,为萨拉热窝的EurekaKids玩具连锁店的前当地特许经营, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 该零售管理软件与地方财会系统集成.

Track Me Plugin

I developed Track Me, 为BuildFire平台上的移动应用程序设计的通用且可重用的组件. 它的主要目的是实时跟踪用户的移动, 以及启用数据和跟踪与其他用户的比较. 该组件在各种移动应用程序中找到适合赛车手的应用程序, cyclists, and runners. Notably, “跟踪我”在一些特殊的情况下使用,比如祈祷行走, 它能在祈祷时追踪教会成员吗, and Gordy's Pumpkin Run, 跟踪参与跑步的参与者的活动.


我设计了一个可重用的移动应用程序组件,它从InBody数字秤中检索数据并以表格格式显示. 该组件通过采用OAuth 2协议进行身份验证,与InBody系统无缝集成. 它主要用于与健身房会员资格相关的应用程序中.


波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那有一个高度复杂的内部行政系统,各级政府的文件结构和要求各不相同. 为我们的客户RaiffeisenBank解决这个问题, 我开发了一组工具,用于标准化来自不同组成实体的公司文档, cantons, or districts. 这些工具被实现为Excel插件和 .. NET Core应用程序利用ClosedXML进行Excel文档管理.


Sparta是一款由多个模块组成的综合性执法软件. 这些模块包括交通违规和罚单处理模块, 用于自动车辆安全检查的自动车牌识别系统, an administrative module, 还有一个手机应用程序,可以实时通知交通违规行为.



Licensed Currency Exchanger

与银行签订合同的持牌货币兑换商的集中申请. 功能包括事务监视和管理, 用户和组织单位管理, 合同及合同参数管理, exchange rates tracking, and notifications.


React,实体框架,LINQ, Web API 2, jQuery, REST API, Node.js, iText, API Development, Vue, Google Maps API, Stripe, Web API, Windows Forms (WinForms), WooCommerce API, MobX, Stripe API, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS、React Redux、Google Maps、Salesforce API、Polymer、AWS Amplify、SignalR


Visual Studio .NET, Visual Studio, iTextPDF, TFS, Webpack, Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO), Jenkins, Git, GitHub, C#.NET WinForms, Capacitor, Google Compute Engine (GCE), BuildFire, Figma, Babel, Microsoft Access, xUnit, SonarQube, Helm


.NET Core, .NET, AngularJS, Angular, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.. NET, React Native, MVC Razor, Razor, Express.js, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, .. NET 4,实体框架核心,ASP.NET Web Forms, Windows演示基础(WPF), Ionic, Bootstrap, Blazor, Angular Material, Tailwind CSS, Next.js, .NET MAUI, Redux, Vanilla JS, Material UI, ASP.. NET Identity, OAuth 2, Flourish, Jest, Telerik Kendo UI


C#, JavaScript, C#.NET, HTML, SQL, CSS, HTML5, TypeScript, Stored Procedure, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Sass, CSS3, ECMAScript (ES6), Python, Active Server Pages (ASP), VB.NET, GraphQL, XAML, XML, SCSS


Agile Software Development, Microservices, Web Application Architecture, Web Architecture, REST, Agile, Scrum, Desktop App Development, MEAN Stack, 面向服务的架构(SOA), Model View Controller (MVC), Best Practices, Mobile Development, 面向对象编程(OOP), DevOps, Application Architecture, Azure DevOps, Testing, Responsive Web Design (RWD), MVC Design, Refactoring, Multi-platform Development, Clean Code, Unit Testing, Design Patterns, 测试驱动开发(TDD)


Windows, Software Design Patterns, Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Firebase, Android, Microsoft, Apache Kafka, AWS Lambda, WooCommerce, WordPress, Xamarin, MuleSoft, Docker, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Pimcore, iOS, Mobile, Azure Functions, Telerik, Kubernetes


Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Triggers, SQL Server 2017, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, Database Architecture, Azure SQL, SQLite, Firebase Realtime Database, Cloud Firestore, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQL Server 2014, Azure Queue Storage, IIS SQL Server, Google Cloud, SQL Stored Procedures, MySQL, Elasticsearch


APIs, API Integration, Software Architecture, Architecture, System Architecture, System Architecture Design, Full-stack, Web Development, Front-end, Legacy Software, Integration, Technical Leadership, Digital Transformation, Business & Digital Transformation, Paperless Trans, CI/CD Pipelines, GitHub Actions, Back-end, Solution Architecture, Performance Optimization, Multi-language Support, Multi-language Development, Data Structures, Data Architecture, Code Review, Mobile App Development, Bootstrap 4, MVC Frameworks, Data Modeling, Mobile Apps, Mobile App UI, Cloud, Front-end Development, Serverless, Windows通信基础(WCF), Remote Work, Lambda Functions, DOM, Material Design, IIS, Windows Services, Front-end Architecture, Team Leadership, Remote Team Leadership, 跨职能团队领导, Excel Add-ins, Fiscal Management, Geolocation, Leadership, Software Design, Estimations, Deployment, Scheduling, PDF Design, PDF, Server-side PDF Generation, Data, RESTful Services, WCAG 2, Casinos & Gaming, Gambling, Cloud Services, UI Components, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), SaaS, Responsive Design, Cross-browser Compatibility, Dashboards, Data Visualization, RPC, Reports, Web Services, Distributed Systems, Containerization, AWS Cloud Architecture, Point of Sale, POS, Stripe Payments, Payment APIs, MERN Stack, Microsoft Stack, Business to Business (B2B), 实验室信息管理系统(LIMS), Xamarin.Mac, Startups, Authorization, Authentication, Identity, Hardware Integration, Azure Data Lake, Single Sign-on (SSO), QR Codes, Maps, Storybook, Data Mining, Geospatial Data, API Design, Message Queues, Architectural Patterns, OAuth, Cloud Architecture, Design Systems, Atomic Design

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