何塞·玛丽亚·波罗, 项目经理 in Córdoba,阿根廷科尔多瓦
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验证专家  in 项目管理



过去的十年, 穆 has been working in management, always operating close to software development teams and coaching upper management on the best practices for implementing Scrum and 敏捷 principles across the company. He has a bachelor's degree in business administration, and his graduation project was about 敏捷 practices across companies in Cordoba, 阿根廷.


My team was the first team to implement Scrum in Cordoba's branch.
Developed a Smart TV app and content management application hosted on Azure.



项目经理/Scrum Master

2018 - 2019
  • 训练有素的离岸scrum团队.
  • Trained C-level executives in 敏捷 processes.
  • 建立Jira.
  • Implemented Scrum as the default process for software development.
  • Led four different projects, switching them from 看板 to Scrum.


2016 - 2017
  • Led Scrum cycles for three cells, for a total of 21 people.
  • Built and refined the backlog with the product team's product owner.
  • Created and improved 敏捷 processes for the engineering department.
  • Coached, supported, and trained 敏捷 practices to the moderation team leaders.
  • Built and refined the lean product discovery process.
  • Worked on an experimental team to implement a full lean development/discovery framework.
  • Performed several presentations and training for sales, marketing, and product teams.

Scrum Master

2011 - 2016
  • Led the largest project in the company for a Fortune 500 fintech company.
  • Created three teams for the same client for building the company’s MVP product.
  • Led a critical project for one of the top three video game companies in the world. The project was critical for a revolutionary feature included in the company's most successful game ever launched.
  • Led a revolutionary project for OTT devices and smart TVs. We developed a Smart TV app in JS for consuming TV shows and movies distributed through a CDN built on top of Azure.

Scrum Master

2010 - 2011
  • Led mobile and web app development.
  • Worked as a consultant Scrum master coordinating the development of the first mobile application from Manpower.
  • Led a team of five devs and two QA for an iOS app.
  • Coordinated the release schedule across three different teams.
  • Coached Scrum and 敏捷 development on-site.


2007 - 2010
  • Led a team of eight 开发人员 and three QA.
  • Coordinated projects for more than 20 cell phone carriers for South America.
  • 在团队中实施Scrum.
  • Led special projects for the company headquarters in France.
  • Coordinated salary and performance reviews.


My team was the first team to implement Scrum in Cordoba's branch.

For the time I worked at 智乐, I earned a promotion from Developer to Lead 生产商 for the Cordoba eCommerce team. I started to lead a group of eight 开发人员 and three QA. Some of my tasks included coordinating tasks for more than 20 different cell phone carriers for South America, 中美洲, and Mexico; special developments for the headquarters in France; and the launch of some of the first web pages for smartphones.


Led cross integration for Bethesada MODs and Forums.

I led the team that integrated Bethesda MODs download center with 贝塞斯达论坛.


Developed a Smart TV app and content management application hosted on Azure.

内容代理 was a project to schedule streaming content and manage ads within this content. This ads and content would be later distributed by an Azure CDN and consumed on a Smart TV app built on JavaScript.


Implemented a full lean product development process for a content management tool.

内容管理 was an internal project to test and implement the new lean product development process within the company. 为此目的, we assembled a team of designers, 开发人员, 产品经理, scrum大师, and a customer researcher to discover opportunities while building a new tool for internal purposes.


Formed, coached, and led three teams with a total of 21 people for the 翻译 Project.

翻译 was a software to translate a proprietary XML schema to Open Office schema so anybody could get access to the company's product in a public and standard format. We built it originally in Java and then migrated to Python, hosted on AWS and then moved to GAE.
2010 - 2015

Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration

Universidad Siglo 21 - Cordoba, 阿根廷


认证Scrum Master



敏捷 Methodologies for Software Development

Universidad Tecnologica de Cordoba



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