Steven Miller,加拿大温哥华的设计师
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Steven Miller

Verified Expert  in Design


Vancouver, BC, Canada
Toptal Member Since
February 22, 2016

有多年的设计和广告经验, Steve是Rethink的艺术总监和设计师, 全球第二大独立广告公司. 他为世界各地的公司做品牌推广, visual, 为各种规模的客户设计UI/UX. 史蒂夫曾有幸为DDB等其他广告公司工作, Tribal Worldwide, Grand Creative, Colenso BBDO, and more. 他与客户沟通非常好,并在各种规模的团队中工作过.


Work Experience


2020 - PRESENT
Rethink Ideas
  • 为我们的主要电信客户Shaw提供新品牌外观和感觉的艺术指导.
  • 与基督教女青年会合作推出《欧博体育app下载》, 一个学习胎儿酒精综合征基础知识的在线工具.
  • 为a推出了一个新的手机应用&W让顾客获得更加无缝的移动订餐体验.
Technologies: Figma, Adobe Creative Suite, Prototyping, Pitch Decks, Branding, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Wireframing, Web Design, iOS UI Design, UI Design, Visual Identity, Responsive, User Interface (UI), Graphic Design, Visual Design, UX Design, Microsoft PowerPoint, Product Design, UX Strategy, Design Systems, Iconography, Interaction Design (IxD), Infographic design, 人工智能(AI), Journey Mapping, Mockups, Startups, UI Components, User Flows, Business Intelligence (BI), Software as a Service (SaaS), Responsive Web Apps, Web App Design, eCommerce UX, Social Media Design, Storybook, Motion Graphics, Conceptual Design, High-fidelity Mockups, Low-fidelity Mockups, UX Principles, Concepting, Consumer Electronics, Demos, Industrial Design, A/B Testing, Annotated Wireframes, Business to Business (B2B), Landing Page Optimization, User Testing, Banner, Design Guidelines, Marketing, Presentation Design, Presentations, Social Media, Visual Storytelling, Brand Guidelines, Sales Presentations, Storytelling, Templates, Trade Shows, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Component Libraries, Web UX Design

Art Director

2019 - 2020
Traction on Demand
  • 领导牵引需求品牌重塑计划的艺术指导和设计.
  • 构建和设计新技术驱动的产品,并发展成为成熟的公司.
  • 为在不列颠哥伦比亚省举办的技术会议“牵引力”提供创意指导.
Technologies: Sketch, InVision, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator CC, InDesign CC, Adobe Premiere, Branding, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Wireframing, Web Design, UI Design, Visual Identity, Responsive, User Interface (UI), Graphic Design, Visual Design, Microsoft PowerPoint, Product Design, UX Strategy, Design Systems, Iconography, Interaction Design (IxD), Infographic design, 人工智能(AI), Journey Mapping, Lean Startups, Mockups, Startups, UI Components, Business Intelligence (BI), Software as a Service (SaaS), Responsive Web Apps, Web App Design, eCommerce UX, Social Media Design, Storybook, Motion Graphics, Conceptual Design, High-fidelity Mockups, Low-fidelity Mockups, UX Principles, Concepting, Consumer Electronics, Demos, Industrial Design, A/B Testing, Annotated Wireframes, Business to Business (B2B), Landing Page Optimization, User Testing, Banner, Design Guidelines, Marketing, Presentation Design, Presentations, Social Media, Visual Storytelling, Brand Guidelines, Sales Presentations, Storytelling, Templates, Trade Shows, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Component Libraries, Web UX Design


2016 - 2019
  • 为阿迪达斯新鞋的发布设计了一种数字体验.
  • 为UBC Sauder的新大学网站进行重新设计和艺术指导.
  • 为Tostitos 2019年加拿大商业活动提供艺术指导和概念开发.
  • 设计BCAA新网站,为新品牌资产制作提供美术指导.
  • 重新设计并为西蒙弗雷泽大学的新品牌提供艺术指导.
技术:Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, InVision, Websites, Figma, Layout Design, UX Wireframes, Landing Page Design, Landing Pages, Squarespace, User Experience (UX), Logo Design, Marketing Design, Illustration, Color Palettes, Typography, Packaging, Consumer Products, Sportswear, Data Visualization, Information Design, Webflow, WordPress, Web UI Design, Layout, Luxury Goods, Professional Services, Web, Web UI, Design, Brand Design, 转化率优化(CRO), UI Style Guides, Mobile, Landing Page Designer, WordPress Design, Shopify, eCommerce UI, Brand Logos, Billboard Design, Digital Design, Branding, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Wireframing, Web Design, iOS UI Design, UI Design, Visual Identity, Responsive, User Interface (UI), Graphic Design, Visual Design, UX Design, Microsoft PowerPoint, Shopify Design, Product Design, UX Strategy, Design Systems, Iconography, Interaction Design (IxD), Infographic design, 人工智能(AI), Journey Mapping, Mockups, Startups, UI Components, User Flows, Business Intelligence (BI), Software as a Service (SaaS), Responsive Web Apps, Web App Design, Social Media Design, Motion Graphics, Conceptual Design, High-fidelity Mockups, Low-fidelity Mockups, UX Principles, Concepting, Consumer Electronics, Demos, Industrial Design, A/B Testing, Annotated Wireframes, Business to Business (B2B), Landing Page Optimization, User Testing, Banner, Design Guidelines, Marketing, Presentation Design, Presentations, Social Media, Visual Storytelling, Brand Guidelines, Sales Presentations, Storytelling, Templates, Trade Shows, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Component Libraries, Web UX Design


2015 - 2016
Grand Creative
  • 交付UI/UX设计,以帮助实现关键交互和网站项目的里程碑.
  • 设计了用户界面的信息架构和线框图.
  • 为所有创意项目提供艺术指导和视觉设计.
  • 创建新的网站、移动应用程序、登录页面和图标.
  • 为数字应用和网站引入和设计新的产品功能.
Technologies: Slack, Asana, OmniGraffle, Adobe Creative Suite, InVision, Websites, Figma, Layout Design, UX Wireframes, Landing Page Design, Landing Pages, Squarespace, User Experience (UX), Logo Design, Marketing Design, Illustration, Color Palettes, Typography, Packaging, Consumer Products, Sportswear, Data Visualization, Information Design, Webflow, WordPress, Web UI Design, Layout, Luxury Goods, Professional Services, Web, Web UI, Design, Brand Design, 转化率优化(CRO), UI Style Guides, Mobile, Landing Page Designer, WordPress Design, Shopify, eCommerce UI, Billboard Design, Digital Design, Branding, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Wireframing, Web Design, iOS UI Design, UI Design, Visual Identity, Responsive, User Interface (UI), Graphic Design, Visual Design, UX Design, Microsoft PowerPoint, Shopify Design, Product Design, UX Strategy, Design Systems, Iconography, Interaction Design (IxD), Infographic design, 人工智能(AI), Journey Mapping, Mockups, Startups, UI Components, User Flows, Business Intelligence (BI), Software as a Service (SaaS), Responsive Web Apps, Web App Design, eCommerce UX, Social Media Design, Motion Graphics, Conceptual Design, High-fidelity Mockups, Low-fidelity Mockups, UX Principles, Concepting, Consumer Electronics, Demos, Industrial Design, A/B Testing, Annotated Wireframes, Business to Business (B2B), Landing Page Optimization, User Testing, Banner, Design Guidelines, Marketing, Presentation Design, Presentations, Social Media, Visual Storytelling, Brand Guidelines, Sales Presentations, Storytelling, Templates, Trade Shows, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Component Libraries, Web UX Design

Senior Web Designer

2014 - 2014
Creo Design
  • 作为所有网络项目的首席交互设计师.
  • 线框图和创建新的响应式网站,登录页面和图标.
  • 为获得新业务创建新的概念、评估和建议.
  • 交付UI/UX设计,以帮助实现关键交互项目的里程碑.
  • 为2015年新的web标准提供美术指导和开发.
Technologies: OmniGraffle, InVision, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Websites, Layout Design, UX Wireframes, Landing Page Design, Landing Pages, Squarespace, User Experience (UX), Logo Design, Marketing Design, Illustration, Color Palettes, Typography, Packaging, Consumer Products, Sportswear, Data Visualization, Information Design, Webflow, WordPress, Web UI Design, Layout, Luxury Goods, Professional Services, Web, Web UI, Design, Brand Design, 转化率优化(CRO), UI Style Guides, Mobile, Landing Page Designer, WordPress Design, Shopify, eCommerce UI, Billboard Design, Digital Design, Branding, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Wireframing, Web Design, iOS UI Design, UI Design, Visual Identity, Responsive, User Interface (UI), Graphic Design, Visual Design, UX Design, Microsoft PowerPoint, Shopify Design, Product Design, UX Strategy, Design Systems, Iconography, Interaction Design (IxD), Infographic design, 人工智能(AI), Journey Mapping, Lean Startups, Mockups, Startups, UI Components, User Flows, Business Intelligence (BI), Software as a Service (SaaS), Responsive Web Apps, Web App Design, eCommerce UX, Social Media Design, Motion Graphics, Conceptual Design, High-fidelity Mockups, Low-fidelity Mockups, UX Principles, Concepting, Consumer Electronics, Demos, Industrial Design, A/B Testing, Annotated Wireframes, Business to Business (B2B), Landing Page Optimization, User Testing, Banner, Design Guidelines, Marketing, Presentation Design, Presentations, Social Media, Visual Storytelling, Brand Guidelines, Sales Presentations, Storytelling, Templates, Trade Shows, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Component Libraries, Web UX Design

Digital Designer

2014 - 2014
Colenso BBDO
  • 交付UI/UX设计,以帮助实现关键交互项目的里程碑.
  • 构思、设计并交付内部和外部设计材料.
  • 为大客户实施战略计划提供创造性的解决方案.
  • 线框图用户流程和与团队成员映射的信息体系结构.
  • Created brands from concept to completion; provided creative direction and drove brand standards.
Technologies: Asana, OmniGraffle, Slack, InVision, Adobe Photoshop, Websites, Layout Design, UX Wireframes, Landing Page Design, Squarespace, User Experience (UX), Logo Design, Marketing Design, Illustration, Color Palettes, Typography, Packaging, Consumer Products, Sportswear, Data Visualization, Information Design, Webflow, WordPress, Web UI Design, Layout, Luxury Goods, Professional Services, Web, Web UI, Design, Brand Design, 转化率优化(CRO), UI Style Guides, Mobile, Landing Page Designer, Shopify, Brand Logos, Billboard Design, Digital Design, Branding, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Wireframing, Web Design, iOS UI Design, UI Design, Visual Identity, Responsive, User Interface (UI), Graphic Design, Visual Design, UX Design, Microsoft PowerPoint, Product Design, UX Strategy, Design Systems, Iconography, Infographic design, 人工智能(AI), Journey Mapping, Mockups, Startups, UI Components, User Flows, Business Intelligence (BI), Software as a Service (SaaS), Responsive Web Apps, Web App Design, eCommerce UX, Social Media Design, Conceptual Design, High-fidelity Mockups, Low-fidelity Mockups, UX Principles, Concepting, Consumer Electronics, Demos, Industrial Design, A/B Testing, Business to Business (B2B), Landing Page Optimization, User Testing, Banner, Design Guidelines, Marketing, Presentation Design, Presentations, Social Media, Visual Storytelling, Brand Guidelines, Sales Presentations, Storytelling, Templates, Trade Shows, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Component Libraries, Web UX Design

Design Director

2012 - 2014
  • 领导一个极具创意的设计师/作家团队,为活动创作营销材料.
  • 创造了AdFed今年的设计材料,同时保持了AdFed品牌目前的声望.
  • 参加每月的董事会会议,并建立了一个由经验丰富的创意人员组成的委员会.
  • Created brands from concept to completion; provided creative direction and drove brand standards.
  • 设计了信息体系结构和用户界面的线框图.
  • 实施品牌更新,并协助制定2015年新标准.
技术:Adobe Illustrator, Basecamp, InVision, Adobe Photoshop, Websites, Landing Page Design, User Experience (UX), Logo Design, Marketing Design, Illustration, Packaging, Consumer Products, Sportswear, Data Visualization, Information Design, Webflow, WordPress, Web UI Design, Layout, Luxury Goods, Web, Web UI, Design, Brand Design, 转化率优化(CRO), UI Style Guides, Mobile, Landing Page Designer, WordPress Design, Brand Logos, Billboard Design, Branding, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Wireframing, Web Design, Visual Identity, Graphic Design, Microsoft PowerPoint, Design Systems, Iconography, Infographic design, 人工智能(AI), Journey Mapping, Lean Startups, Mockups, Startups, UI Components, Business Intelligence (BI), Software as a Service (SaaS), Responsive Web Apps, Web App Design, eCommerce UX, Social Media Design, Storybook, Motion Graphics, Conceptual Design, High-fidelity Mockups, Low-fidelity Mockups, UX Principles, Concepting, Consumer Electronics, Industrial Design, Annotated Wireframes, Business to Business (B2B), Landing Page Optimization, User Testing, Banner, Design Guidelines, Marketing, Presentation Design, Presentations, Social Media, Brand Guidelines, Storytelling, Trade Shows, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Component Libraries
2007 - 2011



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