Roger Dean Olden, Designer in Stockholm, Sweden
Roger is available for hire
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Roger Dean Olden

Verified Expert  in Design


Stockholm, Sweden
Toptal Member Since
May 3, 2016

Roger is a UX/UI product designer with several years of experience. He enjoys collaborating with other designers, developers, salespeople, copywriters, photographers and more in order to create an amazing product. Roger is passionate about building beautiful and meaningful products that help people in their daily lives.


Work Experience

Head of Design

2017 - 2019
  • Designed a platform to trade luxury watches.
  • Created a brand together with designers from a branding agency.
  • Worked together with a remote team of six developers.
  • Art-directed the illustrations used on the platform.
  • Designed an interface for partners to that handle watches for us.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Marvel, Abstracts, Sketch

Lead Designer

2017 - 2017
No Isolation
  • Designed and facilitated a three-day design sprint for the whole company which resulted in the next product.
  • Created the style guide and design language of the website and mobile applications.
  • Designed and illustrated the user manual and managed the copywriters and translators for the text.
  • Supervised the entire rebranding process.
  • Designed the packaging for AV1, supervised the process, and managed the communication with the Chinese factory.
Technologies: Folio, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, InVision

Lead Product Designer

2016 - 2017
  • Designed a website to promote the service.
  • Handled and was responsible for the iOS, macOS, and watchOS app designs.
  • Collaborated with the whole team to set product direction and revenue goals.
Technologies: CSS, HTML, Sketch

Freelance Design Consultant

2014 - 2016
Freelance Work
  • Provided the logo, branding, mobile app experience, web design, and front-end development for Loop Health’s Indiegogo campaign. They got acquired by Standard Innovation.
  • Integrated the digital experiences with physical smart home products for a Norwegian startup, Smartly.
  • Worked remotely for almost a year crafting user experiences and user interfaces for startups and small companies.
  • Designed an iOS app connecting to a robot avatar. It helped sick children with cancer stay connected with their friends in school.
  • Performed user testing for one of Norway's leading fin-tech companies.
Technologies: Git, CSS, HTML, Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch

Interaction Designer

2011 - 2014
  • Designed a second screen experience for Norway’s fastest growing supermarket chain. Used in their nationwide company get-together.
  • Worked as part of the team that worked on Mr. Melk Winter Games downloaded on more than 1.5 million devices.
  • Designed an engaging HTML5 iPad game in tight collaboration with developers, to be part of Statnett’s stand on the ONS Exhibition with over 50,000 visitors.
  • Worked on a complete overhaul of Statnett's website; Norway's government institution for power and electricity.
  • Delivered the HTML and CSS for an Ext JS application. Used by food producers to apply for a “Norwegian Taste” certification of their food.
Technologies: Cinema 4D, CSS, HTML, Adobe Creative Suite

Intern | Visual Designer

2011 - 2011
  • Designed a web experience for Försäkringskassan together with two of Sweden’s most famous comedians. Smashed our goals with 60,000 unique visitors in three weeks and increased sign-ups by 280%.
  • Treated as a full-time employee and got to represent the agency in client meetings together with the project manager.
Technologies: Adobe Creative Suite

Intern | Creative and Graphic Designer

2010 - 2011
Great Works
  • Redesigned parts of the user experience and user interface of the mobile website for the Open University of Catalunya, based on user tests.
  • Worked in tight collaboration with the art director in creating the strategy, concepts, and graphics for campaigns promoting the Affinity Pet Care’s Facebook page.
Technologies: Apple Keynote, Adobe Creative Suite
2020 - 2020

8-week Online Course in Front-end Development

SuperHi - Remote

2020 - 2020

8-week Online Course in Visual Design

SuperHi - Remote

2009 - 2011

Diploma in Digital Media Creative

Hyper Island - Karlskrona, Sweden


Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, InVision, Marvel, Balsamiq Mockups, Sketch, Final Cut Pro, Adobe Creative Suite, Git, Cinema 4D, Apple Keynote, Final Cut Pro X, Flinto Prototyping, Atom, Framer Prototyping, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Audition, Principle


MacOS, iOS, Windows, Apple TV, Android

Industry Expertise

Consumer Products, Health


CSS3, JavaScript, CSS, HTML


Art Direction, Interaction Design (IxD), User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Fintech Consultant, Visual Design, eCommerce UX, Version Control, Prototyping, Abstract Art, Typography, Color Theory, Sass, Folio, Abstracts, Design, Wellness, Web Design, Brand Identity, Image Manipulation, iPhone, iPad, App UI, UX Design, UI Design, Video Editing, Apple Watch Design, Web UX, Web App Design, Illustration, Responsive, Ext JS

Collaboration That Works

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